Sunday, June 17, 2007

Dog days of summer...

Wow, excuse me while I blow the dust off the keyboard................OK, It's been awhile. I'm just dropping in on this Fathers Day..which I had a great one. I went out to dinner with my wife and son. It was a very nice time. This father thing is pretty cool! Anyways, not to get to many thoughts going here, but as a sports lover, my seasons revolve more around the sports calendar then the equinoxes and first snows. This time of year is just terrible. All we have is baseball(which I really like when I'm actually at a game, but on thanks) and then all the smaller satellite sports that seem to be everywhere. I'm pretty much counting the days until football. Pro and college, FFL and all its glory. Then as football hoops starts. The overlapping of the two is my favorite time of the year..a sportsman's zenith. Anyways, I wanted to share my pain and help myself pass the time during the dog days of summer.....

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