Sunday, June 17, 2007

Dog days of summer...

Wow, excuse me while I blow the dust off the keyboard................OK, It's been awhile. I'm just dropping in on this Fathers Day..which I had a great one. I went out to dinner with my wife and son. It was a very nice time. This father thing is pretty cool! Anyways, not to get to many thoughts going here, but as a sports lover, my seasons revolve more around the sports calendar then the equinoxes and first snows. This time of year is just terrible. All we have is baseball(which I really like when I'm actually at a game, but on thanks) and then all the smaller satellite sports that seem to be everywhere. I'm pretty much counting the days until football. Pro and college, FFL and all its glory. Then as football hoops starts. The overlapping of the two is my favorite time of the year..a sportsman's zenith. Anyways, I wanted to share my pain and help myself pass the time during the dog days of summer.....

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Cool beans...

Yeah I said cool beans. Somethings on my blog are not and do not have to be deep and all philosophical in nature. Sooo... I came across the video. What a neat guy. Very unique way to play guitar. A very nice song too. Turn up your speakers and enjoy! Let me know what you think of it! Later taters!

Andy Mckee Amazing Guitar Player - Watch more free videos

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Overflow of Purpose

Take a moment and watch this clip. It doesn't need much help or description. It oozes with meaning and purpose, and that is why it is so moving. I hope everyone is so lucky to have moments like this. As a father of a almost 2 year old, its hard to watch...ok impossible to watch without tearing up. But I think it helps realign us with one of our most important purposes, even if it is a most basic and simple one....being a good and loving father.

A Fathers Return Home - Click Here for more great videos and pictures!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

It's different...for everyone

I'm not rich or poor. I'm not smart or dumb. I'm not famous or nameless. Who the hell am I? Do you fit into the same bracket? Yeah, I thought so. Most do I would assume. These are the roots of where the question...Whats the Purpose of Life? comes from. So, how do we, to coin the phrase...become "Bracket Busters?" Not totally sure, but I got an idea and I'm sure you do to. My idea begins with the two people straight wife and son. They give me a reason to wake up everyday and be the best husband and father I can be. I don't know much, but I know that it couldn't be anymore right than I think and feel that it is. Is that over simplifying things?...probably. But no need to complicate things, it will get there on it's own...another known fact about life. Here is my offer. Come and talk with a guy who is in the same boat (hell we are sharing the same ore for crying out loud)as you are. At the end of the day I think we will get somewhere with the Purpose of Life/Life of Purpose pursuit. Even if in the end we come to a conclusion that we don't have a clue, and that's fine because we said so. Gotta cover the kid up and head to bed, kiss the wife goodnight...ah I love my Life of Purpose.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Two types of people....

Alright...This is the only one true way to separate the different kinds of people in the world...everyone falls into one side or the other. It's epic in size and no one can deny it. ..............People who can watch a movie over and over and those who can watch it once. My wife and I happen to be on different sides of the equation. I can watch one of my "faves" over and over...if its on TV then I'm watching no matter what else is on. I always get the "oh many times have you seen this?!" and I always reply "well, it will be one more than before after I'm done watching this one!"

What side are you one???

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Fitting into cyberspace...

I don't want to get all philosophical or anything, but does anyone find it just amazing that you can find anything that fits you as a person on the Internet now? We all know the cool things like MySpace and some feel more comfortable in it than others. For myself I think alot of these things are very neat, but until recently haven't found a true comfortable fit for something meaningful on the Internet. As a Branch Manager at a credit union I stumbled across a Peer to Peer lending model. It's something I could really get behind and get excited about. I feel I can help others...anywhere with the abilities I have. I can help others across the globe and not just in my neck of the woods. Very cool. Not sure what I'm talking about? Take a look at my group and sign up to be a member of it...its free! I think someday the majority of people will borrow and lend this way. So simple...very similar to the roots of a credit union.

Join my group on Prosper, people-to-people lending